Privacy Policy

SLKL Group LLC has created this privacy statement to affirm its strong commitment to respecting your privacy.

General Principle Statement

As specified below, any information we collect on this website is solely for our use and is not disclosed to any other entity, public or private, for any reason - period. We will not sell or distribute any lists or other data that we may retain, and we do not purchase such information from other sources.

Statistical Data

Our servers (like most) monitor IP addresses and referring pages to assist with site maintenance and improvements. This data is viewed only as anonymous statistics to determine the busiest times of the day or week, identify pages with errors, and evaluate the effectiveness of our advertising. These data are not utilized for any other purpose.

Personal Information Collected - Order Forms

Except for credit card information, we retain the information from your order form to enable us to track consulting issues or reference a previous order to provide customer service. You may request to have your information entirely removed from our system by emailing us at with your request. We do not retain any sales information.

Correction or Removal of Information

If you wish to correct, update, or remove any information about you that may be in our records, please send us an email at with the specifics of your request. For further contact details, please refer to our contact page.

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